Презентация на тему "Лондонский Зоопарк (London Zoo)". Лондонский зоопарк (London Zoo) презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему Энциклопедия лондонский зоопарк на английском

Открытие  23.05.2020

Иванова Кристина Эдуардовна,
учитель английского языка ГБОУ №498
Невского района Санкт-Петербурга

План урока :

Тема : Лондонский зоопарк (Londonzoo)



· Формирование коммуникативной культуры учащихся

· Способность к умственному восприятию полученной информации

· Научиться анализировать текст

· Быстро ориентироваться в тексте

· Применять в речи новые знания

· Уметь выразить свое мнение, активно использовать слова-связки (во-первых, во-вторых, более того, кроме того, некоторые считают, что…, я хочу добавить, что…, в заключении я могу добавить, мы узнали, поняли, научились, для меня было ново, что…, по моему мнению и т.д. и т.п.

· Обучить навыкам планирования, подведение итогов, самооценки


· Развитие познавательного интереса через вовлечение учащихся в творческую деятельность

· Развитие способностей к сравнению и сопоставлению, к логичному изложению, к формированию выводов из полученной информации

· Развивать навыки оперирования языковыми единицами в коммуникативных целях

· Развитие способностей анализировать текст


· Формировать чувства ответственности, сотворчества, самореализации

Задачи :

· Развитие умений устной и письменной речи

· Знакомство с изучающим чтением

· Формирование интеллектуальных умений

· Развитие навыков использования тематической лексики в речи

· Развитие навыков распознавания информации в речи, в тексте

Тип урока: Развитие критического мышления через чтение и письмо.

Методы :

· Перцептивный (наглядный, словесный)

· Логический

· Исследовательский

Форма работы: групповая, парная, индивидуальная.

Оборудование: доска, учебник, цветные маркеры, листы А-4, мультимедийный проектор, карточки.

Предлагаемый к уроку текст “ Лондонский зоопарк ”:

Text: «London zoo»

London zoo is very big and beautiful. A lot of people come here every day. Children like to go to the zoo because they can see a lot of animals here. Children can see a lion, koalas, a camel, bears, a tiger, monkeys and a peacock here.

There are five koalas in the middle of the zoo. Koalas are from Australia. They are cute. They eat leaves. Koalas live in trees. They have got grey fur. They have got short arms and legs. Koalas have got big round ears and black noses.

There is a camel at the zoo. It is from North Africa. It is brown. Is has got short fur and thin legs. It has got a large body and a long neck. This camel has got one hump on his back. It can go three weeks without water. It can carry people on his back for miles. It is a very friendly animal.

There are two bears in the right corner of the zoo. They are from the North. They eat other animals. Bears can swim. They are white. They have got large bodies. They have got thick fur, big legs, short necks and four paws. Bears don’t like to be around people.

There are emus in the left corner of the zoo. Emus are very large birds. They live in Australia. They are very tall. They can’t fly but they run very fast. They live for nearly thirty years. They eat leaves, fruit and insects. They drink a lot of water. They also like sitting in the mud.

There are a lot of monkeys at the zoo. They are very funny. They can jump. They like bananas. They are from Africa. They have got fur. They have got long necks. They are brown.

You can see a very unusual animal. It is a giraffe. It is high. It has got a long neck. It is yellow with orange sports. It has got four legs. It is very nice.

Here you can buy souvenirs and have a lot of fun.


Активная лексика :

a lion, a koala, a camel, a bear, a tiger, a monkey, a peacock, cute, fur, short arms, legs, round ears, black noses, a large body, a long neck, a hump, carry, friendly animal, thick fur, four paws, tall, unusual animal, orange sports etc.

Ход урока:

Вначале урока были поставлены цели и задачи. Для раскрытия темы использовались методы и формы обучения, базирующиеся на коммуникативной основе.

Good morning, children. I`m glad to see you. My dear friends, I`m sure, that you like animals. What animal do you know living in your houses? (dogs, cats)

You know there are a lot of wild animals. I will give you some riddles and you will guess the answers.

A very long nose.

It grows and grows.

Не is huge and likes fun.


And if I ask you where these wild animals live, you will answer (ученикиотвечают«at zoos»).

And now, can you tell me the theme of our lesson? - (ученикиотвечаютAt the zoo.)

What do you think we will do today? Tell me please the aims of our lesson.

(Ученикисамостоятельноставятцелиурока Read text about the zoo, do a lot of exercises, make a plan of the text, retell this text, remember some words about animals and their parts of the body.)

Учительподводититог: Yes, today we are going to speak about London zoo. We will revise our knowledge about animals and there parts of body. We will play the game. You know the rules of our game. If you answer is right you get one point. If your answer is wrong you get nothing.


Ученики делятся на три команды по 3-4 человека. Выбирают ведущего (капитана), он пишет название команды на доске (выбирают любимого животного, которого можно встретить в зоопарке). Проводится жеребьевка, какая команда будет выступать первой, второй, третьей. . We have got 3 teams: lions, bears, peacocks.

1. Провести игру «Слова». Проставить первые баллы

Каждой команде выдается лист А4, и в течение одной минуты каждая команда должна записать все слова, связанные с зоопарком, животными. (Один из членов команды пишет на листке слова, другие ему помогают.) После чего каждая команда по очереди зачитывает свои слова, если у другой команды есть такое же слово, то она его вычеркивает. Балл получает та команда, у которой осталось больше слов. С содержанием текста ученики не знакомы!

Now we are going to repeat how to write these words. You have got one minute to write all the words that you know about animals.

Your time is over. Now you will read your words one by one. If you have the same word - cross it.

So, you know how to write these words.

3. Упражнение, направленное на быстрое ориентирование в тексте

Учительставитзадачукомандам: ‘’I read the beginning or the middle or the end of the sentences you have to look for (find) and read full sentences. For example:

1)……………………monkeys and a peacock.

Ответученика: Children can see a lion, koalas, camel, bears, emus, tiger,monkeys and a peacock.

2) .……………a very unusual …………..

Ответученика: You can see a very unusual animal.

3) This camel has………………..

Ответученика: This camel has got one hump on his back.

Команды начинают искать эти предложения в тексте, а найдя, озвучивают их. Учитель внимательно следит, кто первый. При одновременном поднятии рук предпочтение отдается более слабой команде, или той, у которой еще нет очков. Баллы фиксируются учителем на доске. За каждый правильный ответ начисляется- 1 балл. Если предложение найдено, но при его прочтении были допущены ошибки, то за каждую снимается по 0,1 балла.

4. Задание на знание лексики и правописание отдельных слов из текста.

Учитель дает новую задачу .

T.: “Put into code 3 words and then recode it. Igiveyou2 minutes!’’

Время на подготовку-1-2 минуты. Каждая команда составляет для других двух команд по два-три “зашифрованных” слова и, по кругу передают их соперникам. Время на расшифровку -2-3-минуты. Баллы команды получают по количеству расшифрованных слов, а команда, справившаяся досрочно, может получить дополнительные -0,1-0,2 очка. Учитель, он же судья фиксирует результат.

5. Выполнение частичного или полного перевода предложений на русский язык (по 2-3 предложения от команды ).

6. Учитель предлагает каждой команде перевести предложения

“I speak Russian, you should find English equivalents”:

В зоопарке есть верблюд.

Медведи умеют плавать.

Это очень дружелюбное животное.

За каждый правильный ответ—1 балл. Учитель фиксирует результаты на доске.

7. Упражнение, контролирующее осмысление логической последовательности развития действия в целом (в тексте ).

T.: “Put the sentences into right order!” Time- 4-5 min.

Учитель каждой команде выдает карточку с предложениями, которые нужно поставить в правильном порядке. Затем правильный вариант предоставляют учителю.


Your task is to put the sentences into the right order.

1. London zoo is very big and beautiful.

2. There is a camel at the zoo

3. Here you can buy souvenirs and have a lot of fun.


Правильный ответ: 1-4-2-3.(Если предложение большое, все писать его не надо, только фрагмент. Можно усложнить задачу и использовать фрагменты из середины или конца предложений). Если задание выполнено правильно, дается 1 балл. Учитель фиксирует результат.

8. Задание, контролирующее понимание фактического материала содержащегося в тексте.

Well, I will read you the sentences and you say if they are true or false .If they are false, correct them. Be attentive. I begin.

1)Koalas have got red fur. (Ответученика: It is false. Koalas have got grey fur.)

2)This camel can go three weeks without water. (Ответученика: It is true.)

3)Bears don’t like to be around people. (Ответученика: It is true.)

4)Emus are very large birds and they can fly. (Ответученика: It is false. Emus are very large birds and they can’t fly.

Учитель читает ученикам предложения, их задача понять верно, ли это предложение или нет. Если предложение не верно, то ученики должны исправить ошибку.) За правильный ответ- 1 балл.

9. Упражнение, контролирующее понимание причинно-следственных связей, содержащихся в тексте. Учитель озвучивает это задание для всех команд: Найдите в тексте предложения, подтверждающие такую мысль.

T.:”Find in the text sentences to confirm my statements:

London zoo is very big and beautiful.

There are two bears in the right corner of the zoo.

There is a camel at the zoo. It is from North Africa.

There are emus in the left corner of the zoo.

Возможные ответы:……………..

Это задание оценивается по усмотрению учителя. Ответы следует поощрить.

10. Упражнение, направленное на осмысление и на этой основе на разделение заданной информации на основную и дополнительную.

T.: “Choose (select) the sentences taking main and supplementary information.

Возможные ответы:…..

Ученики самостоятельно предлагают предложения, несущие, по их мнению, основную или дополнительную информацию. Учитель соглашается или нет. Это задание тоже оценивается по усмотрению учителя. Подводится предварительный итог, подсчитываются баллы. Озвучиваются учителем.

11. Смена учебной деятельности. Физкультминутка (на усмотрение учителя).

Let`s relax.I will tell you words and show some exercises your task is to repeat after me.

Hands up, (руки вверх)

Hands down, (руки вниз)

Handsonknees, (руки на колени)

Sitdown. (садимся на корточки)

Clapyourhands, (хлопаем в ладоши)

Standup. (встаем)

Hop! (подпрыгиваем)

One, two, three, (показываем на пальцах)

Stop! (ладони вперед)

One, two, three,


One, two, three,


2-ая часть урока

1. Задание, контролирующее осмысление структуры текста .

T.: “Make up the questions to text. Make up the plan and retell the text”.

Ученики составляют вопросы к тексту, отвечают на них. Составляют план, и каждая команда озвучивает его. Каждый план следует поощрить.

Возможные вопросы:

Where are koalas from?

What can bears do?

Who is very friendly?




1. London zoo

2. About Koalas

3. An unusual animal.

2. Пересказ текста .

Ученики, по одному из команды, пересказывают текст, дополняя друг друга, обязательно высказывают свое мнение и отношение к книгам, говорят, что они узнали нового, чему научились, понравился текст или нет, актуален ли он сейчас, используя активную лексику согласия или не согласия, слова и предложения-связки.

Firstly I can say, that…, secondly…, moreover…, besides…, on one hand…, on the other hand I can add that…,by the way…, all in all…, in conclusion.., on my mind…, I have known that…etc.

3. После пересказа текста (три команды - три выступающих, плюс дополняющие), учитель подводит итог . Ребята вспоминают, что изучили на уроке. Подсчет баллов , определение победителя .

My dear children, count your points please.

How many points have you got? What do you think, who is the champion? Our congratulations.

Now we know, that London zoo is very big and beautiful. You can see a lot of animals there such as: lions, koalas, camels, bears, emus, tigers. We find out, that koalas are from Australia. Camel can go three weeks without water. Bears don`t like be around people and they are dangerous. We find out that emus are birds, but they can`t fly. Giraffes have got yellow spots and they are unusual.

We remember a lot of animals, for ex: monkey, camel, lions, tigers.

We remember their part of body, for example neck, body, paws, ears, hump, tail, nose, trunk.

We played a wonderful game. Tell me about your emotions and knowledge. Lets remember what we learn today. What have you learnt during the lesson?

We have got fit but bears have got (ответучеников: paws.)

We have got hare but monkeys have got (ответучеников: fur.)

We have got nose but elephants have got (ответучеников: trunk.)

What animal has got a thick mane?

What animal has got a long neck?

What animal likes bananas?

What animal is dangerous?

And now children I`m sure that you know where animals live, what they eat, what they drink and are they happy?

Do you like the lesson?

What was interesting about it?

I liked bears which have got paws?

Our lesson is over, see you tomorrow.

Использованная литература:

Учебник О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой “EnglishStudent’sbook” - 5-ый класс для общеобразовательных школ, Москва, Просвещение, 2010 г

«Тексты для чтения, обсуждения, развития письменной речи и подготовки к ГИА» Авторы Н. Андрощук, Е. Зенкевич, А. Решетникова, Санкт-Петербург, 2012 год.

Класс: 6

Презентация к уроку

Назад Вперёд

Внимание! Предварительный просмотр слайдов используется исключительно в ознакомительных целях и может не давать представления о всех возможностях презентации. Если вас заинтересовала данная работа, пожалуйста, загрузите полную версию.

LESSON 3 London Zoo

Цели урока:


  • активизировать фонетические и лексические навыки по теме "Животные в нашей жизни";
  • формировать навыки чтения текста, аудирования и говорения по подтеме "Лондонский зоопарк";


  • развивать память, смекалку и сообразительность:
  • развивать умения сопоставлять, сравнивать, анализировать и синтезировать полученную информацию;
  • развитие умения делать выводы;


  • осмысление нужности существования зоопарков;
  • воспитывать уважительное отношение к природе;
  • воспитание культуры общения.

Задачи урока:

  • развивать умение говорения учащихся на уровне подготовленного монологического высказывания по теме “London Zoo”;
  • развивать умение говорения на уровне неподготовленного высказывания в рамках предложения;
  • воспитывать у учащихся умение коллективной творческой работы;
  • развивать культуру публичного выступления;
  • способствовать развитию познавательного интереса, расширять страноведческие знания, привлечь внимание к осознанию окружающей действительности, в частности, к зоопаркам.

Оборудование урока: УМК; раздаточный материал (текст для чтения - Приложение 1 ), записи на доске, маркеры, мультимедиа (презентация "London Zoo"); текст песни "We are going to the Zoo (из сайта British Council\Learn English Kids) (Приложение 2)


Организационный момент.

Warming-up activities

T: Good morning, dear boys and girls!

Glad to see you. Are you fine? (T> Cl).

– Today we shall continue to learn the topic "Animals in our life". Animals live around us, but if you want to see exotic animals you should go to the zoo. Am I right? There are many zoos in the world, but today we are going to read and discuss the text about London Zoo and prepare to write a topic on the theme. (Slide 1)

Фонетическая зарядка.

T: – But first let"s practice the English sounds. Look at the symbols of the English sounds and the task for you is to pronounce this sound and name the word and word combinations with it on the topic “Animals in our life”. (Whole class> P1, P2, P3)

– giant
giant animals
giant animals in the zoo

[и] –thing
living thing
every living thing
every living thing in the world

[b] – bear
black bear
black baby bear

[h] –help
help animals
help endangered animals

Речевая зарядка.

T: – Where can the animals live? (They can live... at zoo, at home, in wild animal "s parks, in the wild .)

– Do you like visiting the zoos?

– How long can tigers live in captivity?

– What is the fastest animal in the world?

– What is the biggest animal in the world? (T -> P1, P2, P3)

Основная часть урока.

T.: Now tell me what you know about London Zoo. What facts are you interested in? What can we learn about London Zoo? (P1, P2, P3)

Презентация материала о Лондонском зоопарке. (Slides 1–16)

Teacher : Look at the screen, please. Read some facts and see some photos about London Zoo. (Slides 1-16) (Individually)

  • London Zoo is the world"s oldest scientific zoo. It was opened in London on 27 April 1828, and was originally intended to be used as a collection for scientific study.
  • Exotic animals were first taken to Britain in the thirteenth century when King Henry III received a gift of leopards and elephants. Later he was presented with a polar bear that liked fishing in the Thames.
  • Later Queen Charlotte was given the first zebra to come to Britain. She kept it near Buckingham House. Soon the animals were moved to Regent’s park. Giraffes have been an attraction At London Zoo since four of them arrived in 1839.One of the female gave birth to six babies within five years.
  • London Zoological Society (ZSL) opened the Zoo to the public in 1847. It was located in Regent’s park. Today it houses a collection of 767 species of animals, with 17,502 individuals, making it one of the largest collections in the United Kingdom.
  • ZSL is a member of BIAZA (British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums), the professional organization representing the zoo and aquarium community. Guiding principles: Respecting and valuing animals and the natural world.
  • There are many exotic animals at London Zoo: elephants, giraffes, sea-lions and polar bears, brown bears and foxes, and big and little monkeys.
  • There are many different kinds of birds there too. Some of them have very beautiful bright colors.
  • If people want to see the fishes they must go to another house and pay a second time. The Fishes are in a great glass box. There are many different kinds of beautiful fishes there. It is very interesting. In the
  • Children"s Zoo children can watch and talk to and touch young animals. Of course the people who look after the young animals watch the children.

Teacher: Well, children, let’s work together. Answer my questions. What is the home of London Zoo? (T>P1, P2)

Pupils: Regent’s Park.

Teacher: Since what time has it been an attraction for visitors?

Pupils: Since 1839.

Teacher: How many animals are there at London Zoo today?

Pupils: More than 12.000.

Teacher: When was it opened to the public?

Pupils: It’s opened in 1847.

Динамическая пауза

Teacher: I see you are tired. Let"s relax. Stand up, please and sing the song "We"re going to the zoo". (Приложение 2).

Проектная деятельность

Teacher: Thank you. Now I see that you are ready to make your mini projects. Start working in groups of four. Let’s read the texts from the presentation to find the necessаry information. Take the sheets with the text. You have 10 minutes. (Приложение 1) (Group work)

(Подготовка к сообщению по теме “Лондонский зоопарк” по предложенному плану в виде вопросов.)

Teacher: Your time is up. Let’s work together. What are we going to talk about?

Pupils: We are going to talk about London Zoo.

Teacher: Well, let’s start. Present your projects, please.

Презентация мини-проектов

(Учащиеся рассказывают о Лондонском зоопарке, пользуясь своими записями)

Teacher: Thank you very much. We were active today. So, we’ve done a great work. Your home task is to write a topic on the theme "London Zoo" and learn it.

Let"s finish our lesson with a sinquain

Wonderful, amazing

To visit, to learn, to admire

We look forward for watching

This unusual world!

Teacher: Рефлексия.

If you like the lesson and it was useful for you take a yellow smile.

If you don"t like the lesson and it was useless for you take a blue smile.

If you are not sure in any decisions take a green smile.

Good luck! Thank you for the lesson. Good bye.


Подписи к слайдам:

London Zoo was founded on April 27, 1828 by sir Thomas Stamford Raffles

The Zoological Society of London is a society that is fighting to help save endangered animals all over the world. Its address is London Zoo, Regent’s Park, London, NWI 4RY.

The London Zoo is the oldest scientific zoo in the world Welcome to the London Zoo

The Map of the London Zoo

It is home for over 755 species of 16800 animals.

The inhabitants of London Zoo

A wolf A wolf is clever, sometimes wicked and cruel. It runs very fast.

A camel A camel is sturdy and strong. It can spend a lot of days in the desert without water.

A dolphin A dolphin is friendly and clever. It saves people, and they always let it go if it gets into their nets.

A snake A snake is cunning and insidious. The bite of some of them is fatal.

An elephant An elephant is the second biggest animal in the world. It can eat 300 kilos of food and drink 200 liters of water. It lives in Africa and India, it is kind, clever and very intelligent.

An eagle An eagle is sharp-sighted, strong and majestic. He sees very well and flies very fast.

Take care of animals !

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Подписи к слайдам:

It is long and green. It can be very terrible and aggressive. It likes to eat meat and fish. It is very wild. It lives in the water. What is it?

It is big and brown. It likes to sleep in winter. It has a sweet tooth. It likes to eat honey, berries, fish and meat. It can swim very well but it lives in the forest. It can be very aggressive but in the zoo it is funny and nice.

It is nice, cunning, clever. It lives in the forest. It is reddish, it likes to eat cockerels, hens and rabbits and other small animals.

It is the biggest animal in the world. It lives in the ocean, but it is not a fish.

It is funny and clever. It lives in the forest in the trees. It can run, climb, jump very well. It can be big or small. It likes bananas.

This animal is very unusual. It cannot walk, it cannot run, it cannot fly, it can only jump. It has a front pocket and in the pocket it carries a baby. It lives in Australia. Name this animal

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Слайд 1

Учитель английского языка Абрамова Т.И. ГОУ Гимназия № 426 Санкт - Петербург

Слайд 2

Слайд 3

Some animals are…Some animals are…Some animals are…

dangerous wild and aggressive big, others are small

Слайд 4

It is long and green. Itlives in rivers and eats fish and birds. It has four legs and a long tail. This animal has a lot of teeth. What is it? RIDDLES

Слайд 5

I live in the woods. I `m very big. I have a big nose, a little tail and four legs. I like to eat fish and berries. I like to sleep in winter. Sometimes I am very aggressive. I am a… RIDDLES

Слайд 6

I have a very nice tail. I can fly. I `m covered with colorful feathers. I can talk. I am very funny. I am a.. RIDDLES

Слайд 7

Слайд 8

I have four legs and a tail. I have no teeth. I can swim and dive. I carry my house around with me. I am a … RIDDLES

Слайд 9

I am very, very big. I like to eat grass. I have four legs and two big ears. My long nose is called a trunk. I live in India and in Africa. I am intelligent. What am I? RIDDLES

Слайд 10

This animal is very unusual. It cannot walk, it cannot run, it cannot fly, it can only jump. It has a front pocket and it carries a baby. It lives in Australia. Name this animal. RIDDLES

Слайд 11

What is London famous for…?

  • Слайд 12

    London is famous for…

    Слайд 13

    London is famous for…

    Слайд 14

    London is famous for…

    Слайд 15

    London is famous for…

    Слайд 16

    London is famous for…

    Слайд 17

    It is famous for its parks.

    Слайд 18

    Слайд 19

    Kensington Gardens

    Слайд 20

    Слайд 21

    1826- The Zoological Society of London was founded

    Слайд 22

  • Слайд 23

    Слайд 24

    Слайд 25

    1847- The Zoo opened its doors to the public.

    Слайд 26

    1849- The Zoo opened the first Reptile House.

    Слайд 27

    Reptile House

  • Слайд 28

    1850- In this year the Tsar of Russia presented two bisons to the zoo.

    Слайд 29

    1853- The first public Aquarium was opened.

    Слайд 30

    1880- In this year the first koala bear arrived to live outside Australia.

    Слайд 31

    Слайд 32

    More recently, the Children Zoo was opened

    Слайд 33

    The word “giraffe” comes from an arabic word ’zirafah’ which means “the tallest of all”. Giraffes live 20 to 30 years Giraffes can go for up 2 weeks without water Giraffes only sleep for a few minutes at a time. Sitting on the ground, they bend their long necks down It takes 14 to 15 months for a baby giraffe to grow inside its mother`s body

    Слайд 34

    The elephant is the largest animal that lives on land. Elephants have larger ears than any other animal and their tusks are the largest teeth. An elephant` s nose is called a trunk. A lot of things can be done with the help of a trunk. An elephant is a nice animal, strong and friendly. It leaves grass and green leaves (about 300-400 kilos a day) and elephants can drink 150-200 liters of water. They are very playful in the water and wonderful swimmers. The elephant is the most intelligent animal next to the dog and it has a very good memory.

    Слайд 35

    Dolphins are very intelligent. They love to play with people. Most dolphins eat fish. Their brain is very big. They have a very good feeling to be helpful. They have a very good experience of communicating with people. They give birth to their babies which are burn with opened eyes, under the water. Dolphins can jump out of the water, play with the ball, dance and do many tricks.

    Слайд 36


  • Слайд 37

    Why do people need Zoos?What is good about them?

  • Слайд 38


    Газета “English” № 13, 2008 год Газета “ English” № 4, 2009 год

    Посмотреть все слайды


    Цель урока


    Ход урока


    Teacher: Why should people be careful?

    Pupil1: Some animals are dangerous.

    Pupil 2:

    Pupil 3:


    Pupils: Yes, we do.


    Pupil 1: (a crocodile )

    Teacher (слайд 4)

    Pupil 2 (a bear)

    Teacher : Check your answer on the screen (слайд 5)

    Pupil 3 … (parrot)-слайд 6

    Pupil 4 ? ( a whale) – слайд 7

    Pupil 5 ..(tortoise)-слайд 8

    Pupil 6 ? (an elephant)- слайд 9

    Pupil 7 ? (a kangaroo)- слайд 10


    )- слайды 11-20

    Pupil 1

    Pupil 2

    Pupil 3

    Pupil 4

    Pupil 5

    Pupil 6 : London is famous for parks.


    Pupil 7


    Pupil 8:


    Pupil 1-

    Pupil 2- 1828- it housed a collection of exotic animals.

    Pupil 3- 1830- The collection of animals was greatly enlarged with the addition of the royal menagerie from Windsor and the animals from The Tower of London.

    Pupil 4- 1839- The first giraffes appeared in the Zoo.

    Pupil 5-

    Pupil 6-

    Pupil 7

    Pupil 8

    Pupil 9

    Pupil 10 - 1881- the first Insect House was opened.

    Pupil 11


    Pupil 1-

    Pupil 2-

    Pupil 3-

    Pupil 6- Tigers…


    Pupil 1 –

    Pupil 2 –

    Pupil 3 –

    Pupil 4 –

    Pupil 5-

    Pupil 6 –

    Teacher- Right you are.

    �PAGE � �PAGE �1�

    Разработка урока в 6 классе по теме “London Zoo. Why do people need Zoos?”

    Цель урока - Систематизировать и обобщить лексику по теме «Зоопарк». развивая умения говорения учащихся на уровне подготовленного монологического высказывания, воспитывая любовь к окружающему миру.


    Развивать умение говорения учащихся на уровне подготовленного монологического высказывания по теме « Animals of the Regent` s Park Zoo»

    Формировать умение делать небольшие проекты.

    Способствовать развитию сопереживания проблемам животных

    Ход урока

    Teacher: Hello! Glad to see you. How are you? Look at the blackboard, please. Be careful what you say or do when you visit the animals in the zoo.

    Teacher: Why should people be careful?

    Pupil1: Some animals are dangerous.

    Pupil 2: Some animals are wild and aggressive.

    Pupil 3: Some animals are big, others are small.

    Teacher: You quite right. Do you know the animals well ?

    Pupils: Yes, we do.

    Teacher: Let ` s have a guessing game. The task is to name the animal described by your classmates. Are you ready ? Can we start ? Please, be very attentive. We `ll check your answers on the screen.

    Pupil 1: It is long and green. It can be very terrible and aggressive. It likes to neat meat and fish. It is vey wild. It lives in the water. What is it ? (a crocodile )


    Pupil 2 : It is big and brown. It likes to sleep in winter. It has a sweet tooth. It likes to eat honey, berries, fish and meat. It can swim very well but it lives in the forest. It can be very aggressive but in the zoo it is very funny and nice. What is it ? (a bear)

    Teacher : Check your answer on the screen (слайд 5)

    Pupil 3 - I have a very nice tail. I can fly. I` m covered with colourful feathers. I can talk. I am very funny. I am a … (parrot)-слайд 6

    Pupil 4 ; It is the biggest animal in the world. It lives in the ocean but it is not a fish. What is it ? ( a whale) – слайд 7

    Pupil 5 I have four legs, I have no teeth. I can swim and dive. I carry my house around with me. I am a ..(tortoise)-слайд 8

    Pupil 6 : it is the second biggest animal in the world. It can eat 300 kilos of food and drink 200 liters of water. It lives in Africa and India. It is kind, clever and very intelligent. What is it ? (an elephant)- слайд 9

    Pupil 7 : this animal is very unusual. It can` t walk, it can` t run, it can`t fly, it can only jump. It has a front pocket and in the pocket it carries a baby. It lives in Australia. What is it ? (a kangaroo)- слайд 10

    Teacher : Thank you. Good work. I see, that you know the animals very well and we can speak about them for a long time. They live all around us but if you want to see exotic animals you should go to the zoo. Am I right? There are many zoos in the world but we` ll speak about London Zoo today.

    So we start. Imagine yourselves in London (слайды Лондона )- слайды 11-20

    Tell me please, what London is famous for ? Name some places in London, please.

    Pupil 1 : London is famous for Big Ben.

    Pupil 2 : London is famous for Buckingham Palace.

    Pupil 3 : It is famous for Trafalgar Square

    Pupil 4 : London is famous for Westminster Abbey.

    Pupil 5 : It is famous for Tower Bridge

    Pupil 6 : London is famous for parks.

    Teacher : You ` re right. Could you name these parks ?

    Pupil 7 : They are Hyde Park, Regent` s Park and others.

    Teacher ; what is Regent Park famous for ?

    Pupil 8: It is famous for the London Zoo.

    Teachers: Thank you very much for your answers. Now you` ll see the years on the screen and I want you to say what you associate with these years.

    Показ слайдов с изображением достопримечательностей Лондона. Учащиеся рассказывают о значимых событиях становления Лондонского Зоопарка.

    Pupil 1- 1826- The Zoological Society of London was founded.

    Pupil 2- 1828- it housed a collection of exotic animals.

    Pupil 3- 1830- The collection of animals was greatly enlarged with the addition of the royal menagerie from Windsor and the animals from The Tower of London.

    Pupil 4- 1839- The first giraffes appeared in the Zoo.

    Pupil 5- 1847 - The Zoo opened its doors to the public.

    Pupil 6- 1849- The first Reptile House was opened.(слайд 26-27)

    Pupil 7 - 1850 – In this year the Tsar of Russia presented two bison to the Zoo.

    Pupil 8 -1853-The first public Aquarium was opened.

    Pupil 9 - 1880- In this year the first koala bear arrived to live outside Australia.

    Pupil 10 - 1881- the first Insect House was opened.

    Pupil 11 - More recently, the Children Zoo was opened

    Teacher- I see you really know the history of the zoo. Now it is time to speak about the animals that you take care of.

    Pupil 1- The giraffe lives in Africa. It is an exotic animal. This is the tallest animal in the world. It can be 6-7 metres high. The giraffe can see very well. It has small horns on the head. They are usually yellow with brown spots. These animals like to eat acacia very much. They are very kind and generous.

    Pupil 2- An elephant is the largest animal that lives on land. Elephants have larger ears than any other animal and their tusks are the largest teeth. An elephant` s nose is called a trunk. A lot of things can be done with the help of a trunk. An elephant is a nice animal, strong and friendly. It eats grass and green leaves (about 300-400 kilos a day) and elephants can drink 150-200 liters of water. They are very playful in the water and wonderful swimmers. The elephant is the most intelligent animal next to the dog and it has a very good memory.

    Pupil 3- Dolphins are very intelligent. They love to play with people. They can be of different colors.- black and white, blue and light blue. Most dolphins eat fish. Their brain is very big. They have a very good feeling to be helpful. They have a very good experience of communicating with people. They give birth to their babies, which are born with opened eyes, under the water, close to the surface. They can perform for children and grown-ups. Dolphins can jump out of the water, play with the ball and dance.

    Pupil 6- Tigers…

    Teacher- Thank you very much. Your information was really interesting and useful. You have worked well. Let` s return to our topic We are speaking about animals in Regent` s Park. I am sure there are many exotic animals there. As you know thousands of visitors come to the zoo every day. Now I want you to answer my questions. Why do people need Zoos? What is good about them?

    Pupil 1 – People can see different animals there.

    Pupil 2 – People can feed the exotic animals and watch the young babies grow there.

    Pupil 3 – People learn new things about nature.

    Pupil 4 – Zoo lovers can study animals in their cages.

    Pupil 5- It is very enjoyable. People can find new friends.

    Pupil 6 – We can study the effects that human activities have on the natural world.

    Teacher- Right you are.

    Подведение итога урока. Возвращение к моменту целеполагания при помощи соответствующего слайда презентации, озвучивание результатов деятельности учащихся на уроке.

    Просмотр видеоролика о животных «Гармония».

    What do you know about London zoo?

    «В апреле 1828 года в Лондоне на территории Риджент-парка был открыт один из самых старейших зоопарков London Zoo. Первоначальной целью было только проведение научных исследований, многие учёные работали здесь. А уже в 1847 году зоопарк был открыт для посетителей. В 1853 году в Лондонском зоопарке появился первый стационарный в мире аквариум. Кстати, слово «аквариум» тоже впервые появилось здесь, ранее сосуд для рыб называли «Aquatic Vivarium». В 1994 году был реконструирован Детский зоопарк, который имеет две секции: Центр ухода за питомцами, где детям дают советы, как лучше ухаживать за домашними питомцами, и Загон, где дети практикуются ухаживать за животными.»

    Лондонский зоопарк разделен на две части London Zoo и Whipsnade Zoo. Чтобы поближе познакомиться с обоими парками, предлагаю взглянуть на карты с официального сайта. Если пройти по ссылке и увеличить карту, можно даже разглядеть названия животных.

    У нас есть замечательная книга про зоопарк, вот по этой книге я решила провести наше занятие.
    "Good Night, Gorilla", книгу можно посмотреть на youtube:

    При просмотре книги обращала внимание девочек на такие детали:

    1. The pink or purple balloon is visible in almost every page. Розовый шарик появляется на каждой страничке.
    2. The armadillo has a plush toy of Ernie from Sesame Street. У броненосца есть игрушка Эрни из Улицы Сезам-Эрни.
    3. There"s a photo on the zookeeper"s wall of his wife feeding a gorilla with a baby bottle. (Maybe that"s why it"s so comfortable going to her house.) В доме хранителя зоопарка, на фото его жена кормит гориллу из бутылочки.
    4. The gorilla has what looks like a "Curious George" book in his cage. Горилла читает книгу Любопытный Дордж!
    5. All of the animals have toys in their cages (except the lion, who is playing with a bone.) У всех животных в зоопарке есть любимые игрушки, кроме льва, он играет косточкой.
    6. The zookeeper"s name is Joe. See the patch on his uniform. Хранителя зоопарка зовут Джой.
    7. The armadillo has a bottle of milk. У броненосца в клетке бутылочка с молоком и пустышка.
    8. Every time the animals walk to or from the zookeeper"s house, there"s another face in the window next door. Каждый раз, когда животные проходят мимо дома хранителя зоопарка, в соседнем доме появляется новая тень. За ними явно кто-то подглядывает)
    9. When the zookeeper goes to bed, the nightstand clock reads 10:00. Every time the clock is shown, time has passed. Когда хранитель зоопарка лег в кровать, часы показывали время 10.00. На каждой новой страничке стрелка двигалась вперед.
    10. The gorilla and/or the mouse finally eat the banana before going to sleep (but we only see the peel). Горилла (или мышка) съели банан перед тем как лечь в кровать.

    Поскольку в книге практически нет слов, я распечатала вопросы-ответы, и приклеила на страницы. Лера при желании сама сможет прочитать, да и мне легче таким образом читать книгу:

    1. What is happening in this picture? (The gorilla is taking the zookeeper"s keys out of his pocket.)
    2. Who is this? What is he doing? (This is the little gorilla, and he is climbing out of his cage.)
    3. Who does the zookeeper say "good night" to here? (He says "good night" to the elephant.)
    4. What is happening here? (The gorilla opens the lion"s cage.)
    5. What animals are outside the lion"s cage? (The gorilla, the elephant, and the mouse are outside the cage.)
    6. What is happening in this picture? (The gorilla is letting the giraffe out of his cage.)
    7. What animals do you see? (a gorilla, a mouse, an elephant, a lion, a hyena, and a giraffe)
    8. Who is the zookeeper saying "good night" to? (He says "good night" to the armadillo.)
    9. Where is the armadillo?
    10. Where is everybody going? (To the zookeeper"s house)
    11. Let"s count the animals together. (There are seven animals.)
    12. Where are the animals in this picture? (They are inside the zookeeper"s house.)
    13. What are the animals getting ready to do? (They are getting ready to go to sleep.)
    14. Where is the mouse? (in the drawer with the banana)
    15. Who says "good night" to the zookeeper"s wife? (All the animals say "good night.")
    16. Whose eyes are these? (These are the eyes of the zookeepers wife.)
    17. Who is in bed with the zookeeper"s wife? (The zookeeper and the gorilla are in bed with her.)
    18. Is this where the gorilla is supposed to sleep? (No, he is supposed to sleep at the zoo.)
    19. What is happening here? (The zookeeper"s wife takes all the animals back to the zoo.)
    20. What is happening here? (The gorilla and the mouse follow the zookeeper"s wife back to her house.)
    21. What is the gorilla doing? (He is climbing back into the bed.)
    22. What is happening in this picture? (The gorilla, the zookeeper, and the zookeeper"s wife are asleep. The mouse says "good night" to the gorilla.)

    Я заранее приготовила карточки, их мы используем во время чтения и для игры мемори.
    Сенсорная коробочка нравится и Лере и Соне, задание на внимательность: угадать, какого животного не хватает.

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